Wednesday, May 7, 2008

sexy and un-sexy

[Editor's note: the author is sick and half delirious today - don't hold this entry against her. ]
What makes a song/video sexy? I think it differs wildly, but to yours truly it's all about someone's essence. If the person/song/video/etc is original and not trying too hard or completely calculated, it's probably quite sexy.

Today I'm giving 2 examples of videos that are thought of as sexy. While I really like both songs, only one video stands out as sexy in my mind. Though it's not completely fair to compare these songs, as it's like making a high-school JV player play horse with Lebron James, I'm doing it anyway. The first video is MGMT's "Electric Feel", which is supposed to be sexy, I know that, but doesn't resonate at all. There is a forced quality to the sexuality in this video that makes it really awkward, which is sad because the song is complete raw sex with little to no effort put forth. This song deserves better, dammit.

My second video is my big winner, my Lebron James, my all-time favorite, D'Angelo's "Untitled/How Does it Feel?" OH MY FUCKING GOD is the reaction I have every time I see this video. Granted, he's naked, but the raw emotion of the song combined with the vulnerability of the straight forward one-take shot of the video makes it unbelievable. It's a very simple concept and it works. This is not trying too hard, this is who this man is and he's showing you everything. Damn! I'm just going to post it now so I can watch it again and stop talking about it.

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